Statement by the Chinese Delegation at the IAEA Board of Governors meeting under agenda item 7d: NPT safeguards agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran

2023-09-15 14:00

Mr. Chair,

China aligns itself with the joint statement delivered by distinguished Ambassador of Syrian Arab Republic, and would like to make the following remarks in national capacity. China has taken note of the report submitted by Director General Grossi on NPT safeguards agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran. We encourage the Secretariat and Iran to further strengthen dialogue and cooperation and to work together to implement the joint statement issued by the two sides in March this year.

China would like to emphasize that it is imperative for the Board of Governors to support constructive dialogue and cooperation between the Agency and Iran on safeguards issues, so as to resolve their differences as soon as possible and create favorable conditions and an atmosphere conducive to diplomatic efforts to restore the full and effective implementation of the JCPOA, instead of creating confrontation and intensifying conflicts. We call on all parties to play a constructive role to that end and to resist any attempt to politicize the safeguards issue.

Thank you, Mr. Chair.