Statement on the Iranian Nuclear Issue by Zhang Yan, Head of the Chinese Delegation

2006-03-13 00:00

IAEA March Board, 2006-3-8

Mr. Chairman

The Chinese delegation thanks the DG for his comprehensive report on the implementation of the Safeguard Agreement in Iran and his supplementary explanation in his introductory statement. We would like to express our appreciation and support for the impartial and professional work by the DG and the Secretariat. We have noted that the Agency, following more than three years' intensive inspection in Iran, has not seen any diversion of Iran's declared nuclear materials to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. Iran's conversion of uranium, laser enrichment and fuel production programs have already been placed under the routine safeguards monitoring. Iran continues to cooperate with the Agency in providing clarifications of relevant issues. We have also noted that the inspection is continuing and there are certain pending issues. The Agency is not yet in a position to reach a conclusion that Iran does not have undeclared nuclear materials or nuclear activities. In addition, we also note that the report touched on Iran's response to the Board's Feb 4 resolution.

All in all, it can be seen in the DG's report that the Agency's inspection on Iran is making progress and, at the same time, it will take even longer time and need further cooperation and transparency on Iran's part to reach the conclusion that there are no undeclared nuclear activities in Iran. China supports the Agency to carry out its nuclear inspection in an independent and impartial manner, and also hope that Iran will cooperate more proactively with the Agency so as to resolve as quickly as possible the outstanding issues.

Mr. Chairman

The Iranian nuclear issue is at a highly critical juncture. Its development contains both the danger of further deterioration and the possibility of changing in the right direction. The key is whether all concerned parties choose dialogue or confrontation. We have noted that the diplomatic efforts over Iran's nuclear issue are very active recently. Russia and Iran have conducted several rounds of negotiation over the Russia proposal. The EU-three have also held recently ministerial talks with Iran. The certain NAM countries are also engaged in active mediation. China has maintained in its own way contacts with the various parties to encourage them to choose reconciliation and talks. All the above demonstrates that all parties continue to actively seek for the solution of the Iranian nuclear issue through diplomatic means.

China has always maintained that the Iranian nuclear issue should be resolved peacefully through diplomatic means, because this is not only for the sake of defending the effectiveness of the non-proliferation regime, enhancing the Agency's authority, ensuring the healthy development of countries' peaceful use of nuclear energy, but also for the sake of regional and global peace, stability and development. It serves the fundamental interests of all parties. China appreciates and supports all parties' diplomatic efforts and call on the international community to maintain patience and restraint so as to give more time to the diplomatic efforts, avoid taking any steps that will exacerbate the contradictions in order to create a more favourable atmosphere and environment for diplomatic negotiations.

Mr. Chairman

China's position and policy on nuclear non-proliferation have always been consistent and clear. We believe that all signatory states of the NPT ought to fulfil in deeds their obligations under the treaty as well as enjoy the right to the peaceful use of the nuclear energy. On the basis of this position, we are of the opinion that Iran should observe strictly all the obligations required by the treaty, and under the current situation, in particular, implement the relevant resolutions of the Board and cooperat fully with the Agency and increase transparency, and take confidence building measures including over activities related to uranium enrichment, so as to create the conditions for resolving the Iranian nuclear issue within the framework of the Agency. In the meantime, the relevant parties should also widen their thinking and show flexibility and seek earnestly a solution that will both help to achieve the aim of non-proliferation and to ensure that Iran enjoys its right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy. We believe that in this regard the Russian proposal is worth a try.

Mr Chairman

China believes that the continuation of the diplomatic efforts remains the wise option for the solution of the Iranian nuclear issue. There is room to resolve this issue within the scope of the Agency. China will continue to work with all parties to move the Iranian nuclear issue towards a peaceful settlement in accordance with the aim of the NPT and the relevant decisions of the Board.

Thank you, Mr Chairman