Mr. Chairman,
It's a pleasure to see you chair this meeting. The Chinese delegationassures you of its full support and cooperation towards a fruitful session. China fully aligns itself with the statement delivered by the Ambassador of Costa Rica on behalf of the Group of 77 and China. I would like to make some additional remarks in my national capacity.
Mr. Chairman,
The CTBT, as a key pillar of the international nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime, has played a significant role in curbing the nuclear arms race and maintaining global strategic security and stability. In recent years, the universal international support for the Treaty has further enhanced its universality, with 185 States Signatories so far and the preparation for treaty implementation making constant headways. Currently the international strategic security landscape is undergoing complex and profound changes, the continuous advocacy for multilateralism and strengthening of political support for CTBT are particularly important today. China calls on all countries to work together to effectively uphold and strengthen the international nuclear arms control treaties system and oppose any move that undermines global strategic security and stability.
Mr. Chairman,
China takes note of the draft 2022-2023 Programme and Budget proposals issued by the PTS, supports the PrepCom in adhering to the zero real growth principle, appreciates the PTS for its efforts to optimize fund allocation and improve capital use efficiency, and hopes to see the PTS continue to support capacity building program for developing countries. As the second largest contributor, China will make its due contribution to PrepCom as always.
China also takes note of the divergent views among States Signatories on the issue of noble gas background characterization and the mobile monitoring systems. We hope that all parties, with constructive attitude and through consultations, can finalize relevant guidance as soon as possible, with a view to ensuring that relevant activities abide by the provisions of the Treaty and the principle of testing and provisional operation, and do not go beyond the mandate from the PrepCom. We also hope that the PTS will take into full account the views and concerns of all parties.
Mr. Chairman,
As one of the first Signatories to the CTBT, China firmly supports the purpose and objective of the treaty, always stands by its commitment to nuclear test moratorium and takes an active part in international efforts to promote the entry into force of the Treaty. For years, China has participated actively in the work of the PrepCom, strengthened international cooperation and consolidated international consensus on nuclear test ban, and supported the capacity building for developing countries, which contribute positively to the preparation for treaty implementation. The preparation for treaty implementation within China has registered positive progress, with 5 IMS stations certified and transmitting data in recent years, while the certification process for Kunming Infrasound Station is underway. Going forward, China stands ready to continue in-depth engagement in the work of the PrepCom and close cooperation with the PTS, and to tirelessly advance the preparation for the implementation of CTBT.
Mr. Chairman,
In conclusion, China congratulates Dr. Floyd on his election as the new Executive Secretary of the PTS of CTBTO PrepCom and assures him of our support to lead the work of PTS. It is our expectation that after taking office he will unite all parties, conduct his work with the spirit of objectivity, impartiality and professionalism, and contribute to strengthening the treaty regime and upholding multilateralism. China highly evaluates and thanks the incumbent Executive Secretary Dr. Zerbo for his many years of fruitful work and his efforts in promoting continuous progress in the buildup of the treaty regime and making important contributions to enhancing the universality and influence of CTBT. China would like to join other parties to continue supporting Dr. Zerbo in successfully performing his duties in the remainder of his tenure.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.