Statement by H.E. Ambassador SHI Zhongjun at the 50th Session of Working Group A of the CTBTO

2016-10-19 18:00

17th October 2016, Vienna

Mr. Chairman,

The Chinese delegation welcomes you at the podium to preside over this session. You can count on our continued support and full cooperation with you and other delegations so that together, we can achieve positive outcomes at this session.

China thanks the Executive Secretary Mr Zerbo for his report. The Chinese delegation fully aligns itself with the statement delivered by the distinguished Argentina delegate on behalf of G77 and China and would like to add the following points to elaborate on China's position.

Mr. Chairman,

China takes note of the 2017 Budget Update Proposals prepared by the PTS. China welcomes the efforts by the PTS to stick to a 'zero real growth budget' and its initiatives to improve budget allocation methodology, budget utilization efficiency and ensure adequate funding for priority projects. The Preparatory Commission should advance its activities in a balanced and steady manner, and its program and budget should be based on actual needs. Factors such as countries' financial situations should also be taken into account to accommodate Member States' legitimate concerns. China is confident that under the Chairman's able guidance, consensus will be reached as soon as possible on the budget proposals.

China takes note of the PTS proposal on the carry-forward of unspent balances of 2014 and would like to thank the chairman for having convened several rounds of informal consultations on this subject. China appreciates the efforts undertaken by the PTS to establish a Permanent Replacement for the Equipment Storage and Maintenance Facility. We also appreciate the information and options provided by the PTS in this regard. With the advancement in Treaty implementation, the budgeting process should become more standardized and more professional. The PTS and States Signatories should continue to deal with budgetary issues in the spirit of openness, transparency and inclusiveness. States Signatories and the Preparatory Commission should play a greater role in the budgetary decision-making process of major projects. The PTS should engage in broad consultations with States Signatories on major projects and should provide regular and timely updates to the Preparatory Commission on project progress. In principle, budgetary proposals for major projects should only be discussed and prepared after getting more clarity on fundamental issues such as project design and intended use. From our perspective, the above-mentioned principles could help States Signatories leverage their collective wisdom, engage all stakeholders and use funds more efficiently.

Mr. Chairman,

With regard to human resources in the PTS, China would like to reiterate our position that factors such as competence, professional background, geographical distribution and gender balance should be taken into account in a holistic manner by the PTS in the recruitment process, and that the PTS should strive to select and recruit candidates who can get the job done, improve the representation of all countries and strike a balance among the concerns of all parties, and ensure continuity in relevant posts as much as possible.

Thank you.