Madam Chair,
My delegation takes note of the DG's report and introductory statement on the Iranian nuclear issue, containing information on agency's bilateral engagement with Iran and accelerated clarification of outstanding issues regarding Iran's nuclear program.
China commends the agency for its continued close engagement with Iran and appreciates the efforts of the secretariat and the DG himself in this regard. We hope to see the agency further increase its engagement and cooperation with Iran in strict conformity with its mandate and in an objective, impartial and professional fashion, and play a positive role in the implementation of safeguards as well as nuclear-related monitoring and verification in Iran under the joint plan of action.
The negotiations for a comprehensive agreement on Iran's nuclear program are in the final phase now. Both the P5+1 and Iran have shown a political will to reach agreement and are currently working on the main body of the agreement and its technical attachment. China is confident that as long as the parties keep their positive political will, build consensus, narrow differences, accommodate each other's concerns properly, and make a timely political decision, it is entirely possible to reach a comprehensive agreement.
China has always worked toward a proper, comprehensive and long-term solution of the Iranian nuclear issue through dialog and negotiation and participated constructively in the negotiating process. China stands ready to continue and increase communication and coordination with the other parties concerned in order to reach a comprehensive agreement as scheduled.
Thank you Madam Chair.